Deer Antler is perhaps the quintessential sexual tonic. An ancient Chinese classic on the sexual arts states that “there is nothing better than Deer Antler to cause a man to be robust and unaffected by age, not to tire in the bedroom, and not to deteriorate either in energy or in facial coloration.” Deer Antler is a common component of many traditional elixirs.
Epimedium is considered to be the most powerful aphrodisiac herb derived from plant sources. It is very famous for its capacity to strengthen the sexual power of men, and in some cases for women as well. Though it is said to be strengthening to the body as a whole, it remarkable rejuvenating and invigorating effects on the sexual functions is legendary in China. Epimedium, known as “Passionate Goat Herb” in China, increases sexual desire, increases sperm production and stimulates sensory nerves. The herb has been found to have a moderate androgen-like effect on the testes and prostate. Epimedium reduces blood pressure. It is used in women’s tonics as well to increase sex drive.
Schizandra is regarded as an excellent yin tonic that builds energy in the sexual organs, vastly increasing potency. Schizandra helps to prevent male premature ejaculation. Thus, schizandra increases sexual endurance allowing a man to engage in intercourse for a much longer time, once he has developed the physical and mental endurance. Women also are said to benefit greatly from consuming Schizandra. Schizandra is said to increase sexual sensitivity in women and to intensify orgasm. It is considered to be one of the premium women’s aphrodisiacs. It is said that after a woman has used Schizandra for one hundred days, she will build up an abundance of sexual fluids.
Lycium or Goji is a major sexual tonic for both men and women. It is the perfect Yin tonic that may be combined with Yang herbs to build deep sexual energy. It has rejuvenating qualities and provides the energy for sex. In fact, almost every sex tonic made using Chinese herbs includes this ingredient. You can get a real benefit from eating lycium fruit or Goji berries as well. It is delicious and an ounce or two a day makes for a pleasant snack.
Polygonum is another great Yin tonic herb that is widely used to build sexual energy at its deepest level. It is believed to increase male potency and female fertility. Many men report that consumption of this herb noticeably increases sexual vigor and sperm production. It is a highly reliable kidney tonic that helps restore general vigor and, for many men and women, a sense of youthful vigor.
Cistanche is another important sex tonic that has been used by men throughout Chinese history. Ancient sexual classics claimed that consistent consumption of Cistanche would enlarge the penis. It is also said to make the penis much harder during erection. Cistanche is now known to contain alkaloids that increase blood circulation to the pelvic region in general and to the genitals in particular. Women also claim that it improves arousal, probably because of improved circulation to the pelvic and genital region. Ginseng root is highly prized for its tonic action on the sexual function.
Ginseng, which literally translated means “man root,” enhances both the stimulatory and inhibitory process of the central nervous system, thus improving the adaptability of the nervous responses. It has also been found to increase the production of sex-related hormones and to increase sexual response when consumed in moderate doses. Also, and perhaps more importantly, ginseng has been found to have profound anti-fatigue effects and to increase physical stamina. Sexual stamina can in itself prove to be problematic if you don’t have the physical stamina to take the long way home before finishing. Ginseng and other energy tonics like Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), Astragalus, Rhodiola, and Ant provide real physical energy that can really help with endurance and the ultimate pleasure of having sex. All of these factors make Ginseng one of the most important tonic herbs used in Chinese sexual therapy and Chinese aphrodisiacs.
Cordyceps is one of the premium Kidney Jing tonics. It is both a Yin and Yang Jing tonic. Especially when combined with other Yang herbs such as Epimedium, Cistanche and Eucommia, Cordyceps is considered to be a first class tonic to the sexual functions, for both men and women. Used over a long period of time, Cordyceps is widely believed in the Orient to prolong strong sexual functioning into deep old age.
Dendrobium, or Chinese Orchid, is a very good Yin tonic herb. It has a reputation in the Orient as a “honeymooners’ tea.” It acquired this descriptive name because it is said to quickly replenish spent sexual energy and fluids, thus allowing for repeat encounters.
Polyrhachis Ant tonics are widely consumed in Asia to promote strength, sexual vigor and as a powerful antiaging agent. Ant is noticeably energizing when consumed for a short period of time and builds long-term energy if used continuously. Ant strengthens the sexual functions and has a big reputation in Asia for increasing libido and virility. Both men and women claim that after using ant for even a short time that their interest in sex increases significantly and that their sexual performance improves in numerous ways. The zinc content of Polyrhachis Ant is the highest among all known living organisms. Zinc is a critical element in the human sexual function. In Japan, Zinc has been called the “harmony element” because it creates harmony between couples - it is a powerful sex-improving element. Disorders associated with zinc deficiency include sexual dysfunction, impotence, spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation in men, and frigidity, menorrhagia and menopausal symptoms in women. It has been said that “Ginseng may be the King of herbs, but Ant is the Herb of Kings!”
Eucommia is beneficial to the kidney energy, the entire endocrine system, the liver and the nervous system. It strengthens the middle and lower back, areas that often fatigue or that can be injured during sex. It is widely used in formulas that treat impotence and frigidity in Chinese medicine.
Tribulus, an herb grown in China, India and Bulgaria has recently become very popular as a tonic to the sexual system. The Bulgarian variety helps men produce hormones in a proper ratio and to release free testosterone into the blood stream without side effects. It has been widely accepted as a healthy, powerful sex tonic. It helps balance hormones in women.
Polygala is a Shen tonic that is often used in sexual tonic formulations. It is said to link the energy of the kidneys to that of the heart. In other words, it has the ability to “connect” the physical sexual functions with the feelings of love felt in the heart. It is a main ingredient in the formula Will Strengthener. This is a very important formula in the Chinese “Tantric” system since it unites and harmonizes Jing and Shen.
There are a number of products for women as well. Most products for women are more oriented to promoting hormonal balance that to stimulating libido. That is healthy. A woman who is hormonally harmonious and who is well treated will be the best lover. Herbs like Schizandra, Longan Fruit, Deer Antler, and Lycium are excellent for women. Woman can also use moderate amounts of Epimedium and Bulgarian Tribulus to increase libido and improve hormone balance. Epimedium and Tribulus both stimulate libido in women, but they must be used in the correct balance. Epimedium, in particular is effective. Many women feel that a combination of Schizandra and Lycium (Goji) makes them feel more sexually open and sensitive. Love Goddess Elixir is a blend of tonic herbs specifically designed to increase female libido. Magu’s Secret and Magu’s Treasure are superb women’s sex tonics, especially on a long term basis.
Many formulations have been developed over the centuries in Asia that have stood the test of time. These herbal formulations are all safe when used according to standard procedures and with common sense. In fact, they are extremely beneficial. The herbs and formulations are tonics, not medicine or drugs.
An example of a sexual tonic formula is Dragon Jing, an herbal combination that was first created for an emperor who had three thousand concubines! It is an extremely potent male-oriented sex tonic. It is the most powerful type of sexual tonic composed of tonic herbs. It is safe for healthy men who wish to increase their potency, or sexual capacity, but should not be used by men who experience hot conditions or by men who lack a ready and willing sexual partner. It contains deer antler, red Korean ginseng, and epimedium. A similar formula, known as Super Yang Jing, is available as a tincture (dropper bottle). Return to Youth Formula is a classic Yang tonic that has been used innumerable times to build inner power and sexual strength. Imperial Garden, which adds Cordyceps to Return to Youth Formula, and Supreme Creation, which adds Deer Antler and Red Ginseng to Return to Youth Formula, are more potent variants of Return to Youth Formula. Products containing Ant are powerful male sex tonics.