Page 4 - Guidance, Services & Herbs 2018
P. 4

Welcome from Ron

                                         Welcome to Dragon Herbs’ Catalog 2018. We hope to provide a service to our many
                                          new and dedicated customers that cannot be matched anywhere else. We have
                                            scoured the world to find the finest quality herbal and superfood products. We
                                             proudly collect, process and manufacture hundreds of superior quality herbal
                                             formulations and superfoods from every corner of the earth, and we joyfully
                                             distribute them to those who seek glowing health, longevity and wisdom.

                                              These are very interesting times, full of promise—but also full of danger and
                                               challenge. The next few decades will determine the evolution of life and
                                                 the fate of humanity upon this planet. Most of you who have discovered
                                                     this catalog are working in some ways to massage the course of this
                                                      evolution toward a more manageable, natural, stable course. For
                                                       sure, the planet and the creatures of Earth need your energy, your
                                                       attention, your passion, your wisdom and your steadfastness, just to
                                                      get through the mess humans have created for the Earth in the last
                                                      couple hundred years. Far too many animals and plants are dying off.
                                                     Whole ecosystems, some immense, are being irretrievably destroyed.
                                                  When enough pieces are lost, environmental collapse may be irrevocable.

                                             Individually, I want to live a long life, free from disease and suffering. I want to
                                            age slowly and gracefully. I want to be physically strong and clear minded. I want
                                            satisfaction and fulfillment. I want to live in a beautiful natural world. And I want
                                          these blessings for my children and future descendants as well. I am sure that you
                                         share these goals with me. I feel committed to preserving this Gaia (the “One Life”
                                         we know as the living Earth) that took tens of millions of years to manifest so fully,
                                         and even to improving the situation, the health of our land, water and air. I also feel
                                         compelled to reduce the suffering of the hundreds of millions of humans who live
                                         in poverty, turmoil, fear and ill-health as a result of the ignorance and greed of other
                                         humans. I feel that we must work and fight to protect the Earth from the devastation
                                         that results from greed and overgrowth. I feel we need to consider the creatures of the
                                         Earth as well, and aid in their well-being. Ultimately, we are all just part of Gaia.

                                         Many years ago, by good fortune, I discovered the Oriental “Way of Glowing Health.” I
                                         became the student of a great Taoist master who taught me many things about life—
                                         fundamental things like appreciation, humility, sharing, giving, compassion, hard
                                         work for good cause, visualizing a peaceful and prosperous world, and living by the
                                         principles of balance (Yin and Yang) and reciprocation (Karma). He also taught me the
                                         art of superior herbalism, also known as tonic herbalism. This art changed, and perhaps
                                         saved, my life, and I have since found fulfillment in my life by passing the knowledge
                                         of this art onto as many people as I can.
                                         You are undoubtedly interested in the issues of health care, and in particular, natural
                                         means of achieving glowing health. “Glowing health” is defined in the Orient as
                                         “health beyond danger.” Glowing health is thus predicated on developing powerful
                                         immunity, stress resistance, excellent adaptability and superb endurance. This is
                                         where the tonic herbs come in.

                                         It is my sincere belief that the tonic herbs, and the principles of tonic herbalism, can
                                         improve the lives of virtually every person on the planet, were each person to become
                                         aware of them and use them appropriately. The tonic herbs are health promoting.
                                         They protect us. They help us maintain balance in a chaotic world. They help us feel
                                         and look younger. They give us energy while helping us to remain calm and supple.
                                         They encourage our creativity. They strengthen us and allow us to accomplish our
                                         goals. They promote our wisdom. They are especially important to all of us right now.
                                         Jing Qi Shen Xuan Guan

                                         The Taoists translate this phrase as “The Three Treasures are the Entrance to the State of Conscious Immortality.”
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