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defense and adaptation of the normal organism that can
                                                               lead to disharmony. In the Chinese system, the ability to
                                                               achieve glowing health and great vital longevity chiefly
                                                               depends on the ability of an organism to resist internal
                                                               and external challenges from within and to flourish by
                                                               maintaining dynamic balance, vitality and a steady spirit
                                                               even as circumstances change. Thus, “assisting the positive”
                                                               is primary and should be embraced by everyone, while
                                                               “eliminating the noxious” should be delegated to the care of
               Analogies for treating disease after one is already sick       Life is just like a garden. For life to truly blossom to its full
                              – The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine   potential, it needs our constant attention and conscious
           – Continued from page 3                             efforts. It needs a lot of nurturing, involving specific tools                                             Rising
          (attributed to Shen Nong in the 3rd                  and techniques.
          century BCE), herbs are divided into three   Gee, am I thirsty!  Tonic Herbalism is a primary tool for average people to                                      Floating
                                                    Better start
       Introduction   •   Herbs for treating ailments after they   are also other important tools such as an evolved clean diet,                                      Descending
                                                               cultivate their lives so as to achieve glowing health. There
                                                   digging a well.
                                                               correct exercise, acupuncture, massage and meditation.
            have occurred are called “Inferior Herbs.”
                                                               Your life deserves cultivation and we are here to help.
           •   Herbs for prevention or early response
            of specific transitory disorders are called
            “General Herbs.”                                   Knowing the Herbs
           •   Herbs for promotion of positive health          For most products, we have a section called Traditional
            and longevity are called “Superior Herbs”          Functions that describe the herbs’ function using TCM
            or “Tonic Herbs.”                                  terminologies. The key concepts are presented below as
          Shen Nong, the Divine Farmer, described the Superior   well as in the section Introduction to Tonic Herbalism O-5
          Herbs as follows: “If one wishes to lighten the body,   on pages 99-113.
          supplement the energies and prolong the years of life   The channels (Organs) an herb enters
          without aging, a person should base their efforts on the
          superior (tonic) herbs.”                             Traditionally, an herb is said to “enter a channel” which refers
          Only herbs that meet six specific qualifications are   to the Organ meridian that this herb effects. An herb can
                                                               enter one or multiple channels. The channels, some of which
          ranked as tonic herbs (or superior herb):            are called “meridians,” are energetic and move throughout
          1.   Contain at least one of the Three Treasures (life’s three   the body. The locations of various manifestations along
             primary energies): Jing, Qi and/or Shen           these channels provide important clues to you and the
          2.  Have anti-aging characteristics                  herbalists, revealing what herbs to use. For example, tension
          3.  Have broad and profound health-promoting actions  on the forehead calls for herbs entering the Stomach
                                                               Meridian while tension in the back of your head may call
          4. Help balance our emotional and psychic energy     for herbs entering the Liver or Gall Bladder Meridians. Learn
          5.  “Do no harm.” Have no negative side-effects when taken   more about the “Chinese Organ System” on pages 110-113.
            continuously over a long period of time
          6.  Taste good enough to be consumed directly and are
            easily digestible
          In the subsequent 2000 years, the Chinese have created a
          body of knowledge concerning the health-promoting tonic
          herbs that no other society or system has matched while
          other systems have generally emphasized the remedial.
          The Chinese tonic herbs have always been associated with
          the ideals of long life, slow aging, immunological vitality,
          happiness, wisdom, physical vitality, adaptability, sexual
          vigor and response, mental acuity and clear intuition, love
          and compassion, and harmonious relations with nature and
          with one’s fellow human beings. By achieving these goals,
          one can be said to have attained true “glowing health.”

          Respect Our Body Like a Temple and Cultivate Our Life
          Like A Garden – Assist the Positive
          Chinese tonic herbalism is fundamentally a proactive
          approach to achieving and maintaining glowing health. It
          is rooted in the principle known as “assist the positive,   The “Four Directional Tendencies” of Herbs
          eliminate the noxious.”                              The herbs’ influence on the body have four directional
          Positive represents the functions of regulation, defense   tendencies: rising, descending, floating and sinking. For
          and adaptation of the organism. Noxious represents   example, conditions with descending tendency can be
          all the disadvantage factors that hinder the regulation,   countered with herbs with rising tendency or descending
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