Magu's Treasure Body Lotions

Like our handcrafted soaps, our body lotions are infused with tonic herbs adding skin tonifying effect on top of pure moisturization. Magu’s Treasure Body Lotions use natural botanical oil base from safflower seeds, shea butter, aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, and others, making them a nourishing tonic for all types of skin.

Gynostemma Body Lotion - Dragon Herbs incorporates gynostemma leaf extract in our teas, tinctures, tonics and super foods. Now, we incorporate this extract into this natural botanical oil base to make a body lotion that would tonify the outside skin layer of our bodies just like it tonifies our organs inside. Gynostemma leaf contains a broad range of gypenosides, which cleans, defends, and nourishes the skin by activating miraculous signaling pathways throughout our body cells, including our skin cells. Herbal Ingredients — Gynostemma leaf extract powder, Safflower seed oil, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera leaf juice, Calendula flower extract, Chamomile flower extract, Symphytum root extract, Cucumber fruit extract, Yuzu oil.

Schizandra Body Lotion - Like Gynostemma, we love Schizandra in our products, because its rich tonic compounds regulate multiple signaling pathways throughout our body cells; making it one of the best tonic herbs in the world. We add Schizandra fruit extract into this rich creamy body lotion, so it would provide a five-elements-balanced, moisture holding, and health promoting blend for your body. Herbal Ingredients — Schizandra fruit extract powder, Safflower seed oil, Shea Butter, Aloe leaf juice, Calendula flower extract, Chamomille, Symphytum root extract, Cucumber fruit extract

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