Changbai Deer Antler Drops

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As low as $17.50
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  • Changbai Mountain Sika Deer antler.
  • Only the top 1" of tips.
  • Yang Jing and Yin Jing tonic.
  • Super potent hydro-ethanolic extraction
Deer Antler Tips
Other Ingredients
Water, Grain Alcohol (30% by volume)
3-12 droppers per day as desired or as directed by your health care practitioner
Traditional Function
Reinforces Kidney Yang, tonifies Yin Jing, tonifies Blood. Tonifies the Du Mai. Regulates the Chong Mai, Ren Mai, and centers the Dai Mai.Fortifies bone & connective tissue. Nourishes bone marrow. Enters the Kidney and Liver meridians. Warming.
Who can use it?
Adults who wish to increase primal Yang energy.
  • Di Tao
  • RT Seal of Approval
  • Top Seller

Product Description

Dragon Herbs Changbai Mountain Deer Antler Drops is made exclusively with antler from Sika Deer, long considered to be the best deer antler. These are small spotted deer that are native to Northeastern Asia. This is the most valuable antler in the world. Deer Antler is considered to be one of the “big three” ultimate “herbs” (dietary supplements) of China — Ginseng, Reishi Mushroom and Deer Antler.

Deer Antler supports normal healthy life functions so as to promote wellbeing. Deer Antler is a Yang Jing tonifying herb, and it also tonifies Yin Jing, Qi, Blood and Shen. It therefore tonifies all three Treasures. Deer Antler is used by athletes to support muscular strength. Deer Antler is suitable to both men and women. Deer Antler extract contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance, also produced in the human body, that maintains elasticity of the skin and connective tissue.

Dragon Herbs Changbai Mountain Deer Antler Drops is a unique product in the U.S. market. There are dozens of other “deer velvet” products available, but Dragon Herbs Changbai Mountain Deer Antler Drops is the ONLY product made ENTIRELY from Deer Antler tips. Deer Antler grows from its “tips.” As it grows, the soft body of the antler hardens, while the growing tip remains soft and bio-chemically rich. It has been estimated that 90% of the biologically active constituents of the ENTIRE antler is contained in just the last inch of the antler, known as the “tip,” even if the antler is 18 inches long. Dragon Herbs deer are farmed in beautiful, pristine Changbai Mountain, and are certified by the Chinese Ministry of Health to be clean and safe. Since the deer are so valuable and since deer antler is essentially a renewable “resource,” deer are highly protected. They thrive under the conditions established. The antler is painlessly cut off the live deer when the antler has developed either two or three branches and covered by “velvet.” Dragon Herbs uses only the distal one inch of the antler to make this product.

The deer from which the antlers are collected are humanely treated at all stages of their life. They are very well fed, are allowed to graze freely in the foothills during the daylight hours, are protected from predators and are not harmed during the collection of their antlers. They are constantly monitored for their health. After the antlers are collected in May and June, the antlers regrow during the same growing season and are allowed to grow out fully. “Antler harvesting” has been proven to improve the life span of the male deer, which become somewhat less aggressive during mating season (fall and winter) and less prone to fighting and killing each other for the females. As a result, most male deer that have their antlers removed in the spring do not die from rutting, whereas the death and injury rate in the wild is very high. Female spotted deer do not produce antlers.

Ingredients: Deer Antler tips.

Going Deep

Deer Antler is considered to be one of the "big three" ultimate "herbs" (dietary supplements) of China - Ginseng, Reishi Mushroom and Deer Antler. All three are tonic herbs that have been used since pre-historic times to prolong life, improve energy, to protect the body and to promote wisdom. They are not used to treat any kind of ailment, but to support normal healthy life functions so as to promote wellbeing and longevity. Deer Antler is a Yang Jing herb, but it also tonifies Yin Jing, Qi, Blood and Shen. It therefore tonifies all three Treasures.

Deer Antler contains mucopolysaccharides that promote the regeneration the antler tissue in the deer. This same substance supports regeneration of tissue to those who consume it.

Deer Antler extract is considered to be the most powerful Yang tonic dietary supplement and is usually the main herb in any formula in which it is included. Deer Antler is used by athletes to support muscular strength. Deer Antler extract is consumed as a dietary supplement.

Deer Antler extract is used to support the skeletal structure, especially the back, knees and other joints. Deer Antler helps support cartilage and joint function.

As a dietary supplement that supports neurological functions, Deer Antler extract is also widely used to support mental power.

Deer antler has also been demonstrated to support cardiovascular function.

Deer Antler extract contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance, also produced in the human body, that maintains elasticity of the skin and connective tissue.

Deer Antler is also well known as a sexual tonic for both men and women. Deer Antler is suitable to both men and women, though men will generally consume Deer Antler in larger quantities. It is a Yang tonic that helps restore and maintain sexual vigor and performance. It may be particularly effective for older men and women.

There are dozens of other "deer velvet" products available, but Dragon Herbs Deer Antler products are the ONLY products made entirely from Deer Antler tips. What does that mean? And what does that mean for you?

Deer Antler grows from its "tips." As it grows, the soft body of the antler hardens, while the growing tip remains soft and bio-chemically rich. It is just like the fresh leaves at the tip of a growing plant. It has been estimated that 90% of the biologically active constituents of the ENTIRE antler is contained in just the last inch of the antler, known as the "tip," even if the antler is 18 inches long. The tip of the antler is of course more expensive than the lower parts of the antler, because those deep into the trade know that this is the most valuable part. This has been true for a thousand years. However, since the tip contains most of the active constituents of the entire antler, it is in fact a fabulous value. It may cost three times as much, but it is at least 10 times as potent. Again, Dragon Herbs ONLY uses tips (the soft last inch of the deer antler) to make all its Deer Antler products, including Deer Antler Drops and Deer Antler Supreme Drops. We never use the "middles" or "bottoms" of the antler since these parts are hardened, dry and lack the chemical components that make Deer Antler biologically active in humans.

Unfortunately for consumers, other companies are now putting the word "tips" on their description of deer antler. They are doing this in response to Dragon Herbs educating the public about the differences in deer antler products. However, they show no evidence of actually using tips.

A deer antler, as sold in a Chinese herb shop, is divided into three divisions, tips, middles and bottoms. That part growing closest to the end, usually the last inch of each branch of the antler, is called the tip. The segment from that beginning of the tip to the fork of the antler is called the middle and the main trunk of the antler is called the bottom. All three segments of the deer antler are used in Chinese tonic herbalism. The bottoms, because they are the largest segment, are most commonly available and most widely used in commercial products. The middles and tips are generally only available in herb shops, except in rare products that feature these segments.

Dragon Herbs Deer Antler Drops are made from the tips only. However, there are grades even among the tips, acknowledged by herbalists and deer antler connoisseurs. Currently, due to our good fortune, Dragon Herbs only uses Sika Deer to produce all its Deer Antler products, including Deer Antler Drops and Deer Antler Supreme Drops. From these Sika Deer, we only use tips cut from the last 3/4 inch of the antler to produce Deer Antler Drops.

This is why Dragon Herbs Deer Antler Drops is a unique deer antler product in the American market. 

Primary Functions:  To tonify the Kidney Qi and fortify Yang.  Also tonic to Yin Jing and Blood, and supporting to the sinews and bones. Supports the heart and mind.

Treasures: Jing (Yin and Yang), Qi (especially Blood) and Shen

Atmospheric Energy: Warm

Taste: Sweet and salty

Channel Associations: Liver and Kidneys. Also tonifies the Heart and Brain, and the Governing, Conception, Penetrating and Belt Channels of the Extraordinary Channels system.


Deer Antler is the most precious and the most potent of the substances that fortify the yang energy of the Kidney. Deer antler is widely used in Asia, and now throughout the world, to support adrenal, reproductive and brain functions. It is universally believed in the Orient to support sexual strength and to support virility and fertility. In the highly regarded tenth century Taoist manual on health and sexual conduct, The Essence of Medical Prescriptions, compiled by a Chinese physician living in Japan by the name of Tamba Yasuyori, it was said that:

“There is nothing better than deer antler to cause a man to be robust and unaffected by age, not to tire in the bedroom, and not to deteriorate either in energy or in facial coloration.”

Deer antler is commonly used in combination with most of the major Qi tonic herbs such as Ginseng and Astragalus, and with all of the major Yin and Yang Jing-building herbs such as Goji Berry, Morinda root, He Shou Wu, Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed), Schizandra, Mountain Ant, etc.

Although deer antler has always been used to help build blood and support blood circulation, modern research has supported deer antler’s reputation as a heart tonic. Particularly the alcohol extract of deer antler is consumed for this purpose. Deer antler is tonic to the marrow, which produces blood. Marrow tends to degenerate as we age and deer antler is believed to support marrow maintenance. This may be a major aspect of deer antler’s youth preserving ability.

Consistent long-term use is believed to re-build deep life force, preserve youthfulness and to enhance longevity.

Lady Magu and 2 deer painting

How We Source This Product

A Note About the Deer

Dragon Herbs deer are farmed in Changbai Mountain, and are certified by the Chinese Ministry of Health to be clean and safe. Since the deer are so valuable and the deer antler is essentially a renewable “crop,” deer are highly protected in all Asian countries. They thrive under the conditions established. The antler is cut off the live deer when the antler has developed either two or three branches, yet remains relatively soft (depending on the part of the antler) and covered by “velvet,” usually in the month of June in China.

The Dragon Herbs team has visited the deer farm of our supplier in a beautiful valley on the Western slope of Changbai Mountain, a volcanic region in Manchuria, on many occasions and can testify that the deer are in fantastic health and are well cared-for. The deer are fed their favorite natural diet, including mulberry leaves, their favorite food. The deer are housed in clean open sheds with corrals where they have 24/7 opportunity to move about and eat. They are allowed to run freely in the hills associated with the farm during the day, and at night return to the protected housing where they are kept safe from predators (wolves and large cats).

Because the antlers that do grow into the fall are smaller, the male deer tend to fight considerably less. The life expectancy of the male deer from whom the antler are collected is significantly longer than that of wild deer, who often die as a result of excessive male-with-male libido-driven fighting and from starvation. Far more of the male deer mate as a result of this process, which makes them very happy indeed. Deer are highly valued in the Chinese culture and are respected and loved by their care givers. Deer are considered in Asia to be a "higher order" animal.

Supreme Quality - Different Species, Different Results

Selecting high quality deer antler is an art. There are many sources, grades, cuts and qualities -- and there are counterfeits. The antler plays a major part in male sexual role of the male deer. Larger antlers are produced by deer that are more sexual and this deer antler is more potent. However, size alone will tell you only a little about the quality of a selection of deer antler. Dragon Herbs has used the same established source of deer antler tips for many years.

Deer Antler can have a number of origins. Deer Antler entering the American market may originate in China, Russia, Mongolia, Alaska or New Zealand. All of these places have robust Deer Antler businesses. They all produce excellent deer; however, the quality will differ depending on the processing and the variety of deer.

Sika Deer is considered to be the best deer antler, but it is rare. These are small spotted deer that are natural to northeastern Asia. This kind of deer has been absolutely revered in Asia for its deer antler since ancient times. Over hunting reduced the supply to nearly zero, but they are now humanely farmed in northeastern China and their antler is again available in limited quantities. This deer is also known in China as the "spotted deer" and as the "flower deer," since their white spots are actually shaped like a flower. You will see the Sika deer alongside Shou Lao, the God of Longevity, in old Chinese paintings, and also alongside Magu, the Goddess of Youth and Beauty. The symbolism is obvious. The Sika is a small deer and its antlers are likewise small. But small is not the issue, potency is. These deer are extremely well cared-for. This is the most valuable antler in the world.

Previously, Dragon Herbs only used Sika Deer Antler in its private reserve productions, but now it is available to everyone, so long as it is available each year.

And remember, the tips are by far the most precious and most expensive part of the deer antler. Due to our on-the-ground connections in Asia, we can provide this premium quality Deer Antler at the same price, or lower, than inferior products.

And remember, these deer are protected and live an astounding life. These deer live longer than fully wild deer. They are allowed to roam free during the daytime in local hills and forests, and then they return to their shelter at night where they are fed mulberry leaves, their favorite food. Do not fear for our deer, they have it very good.

Mallow Deer, also known as the "horse deer," is another popular variety of deer from which their antler is harvested. This is the most common variety of deer antler available in China. It is very good (but not as good as Sika deer antler). Mallow deer farms are abundant in northeast China. These very hardy, very large deer (thus the name "horse deer") produce large antlers and therefore are valuable to the farmers on a pound-by-pound basis. These deer are well cared-for.

Red Deer from New Zealand is commonly sold in the U.S. market. New Zealand is a very special place. It is clean and its government keeps it that way. Deer farming is a big industry in New Zealand. Red deer produce quality antler, though not as potent as the antler from Sika or Mallow deer. These deer are very well cared-for. A large number of the New Zealand deer are slaughtered for their meat, which is consumed in Australia and exported overseas. The deer are not nearly as protected in New Zealand as they are in China.

Dragon Herbs has established a permanent relationship with a Sika Deer cooperative in Changbai Mountain. Currently, due to our good fortune, Dragon Herbs only uses Sika Deer to produce all of its Deer Antler products. And from these Sika Deer, we only use tips cut from the last 3/4 inch of the antler to produce Deer Antler Drops.

This is why Dragon Herbs Deer Antler Drops is a unique deer antler product in the American market.


Are deer harmed in the making of Deer Antler? How are they treated?

Harvesting our Deer Antler tips is done with care and compassion for the animal. The antlers are anesthetized before being removed to prevent pain and provide protection until they are healed.

Deer Antler tips is composed of pure stem cells that promote growth and blood production. Its chemistry provides benefit to humans by restoring pure Jing, through the bone marrow, to the whole system through enhanced and balanced cell production. Deer Antler is harvested once a year, before the antlers have completed calcification and hardening. The deer tips that are processed, while fresh, extract differently than when processed later in the year, when the slices are drier, with all the nutrients more deeply embedded. Consequently, different extractions may have different thicknesses. Extractions made in the spring will take fewer tips as the nutrients are more readily available, sometimes in a 4:1 proportion. Later in the year, DH may use twice that amount to get the same density of liquid, up to an 8:1 proportion of herb to liquid. Adjustments are made up to the level of concentration that still allows the product to flow from the dropper without clogging. This is the Natural Yield amount, based upon the range found in nature and according to the seasons.

Deer Antler and tips

Besides Deer Antler, there is also something called Deer Velvet. What’s the difference?

The only distinction, we are talking about the tips with Deer Antler. Deer Velvet is another name for Deer Antler. Dragon Herbs uses the last 0.5-1 inch of the antler because it has 95% more effective sapones. Most deer antler extract from other brands do NOT use the tips, they use the middle section of the deer antler, which contains much less active components, and almost no stem cells.

What happens to the deer after they mature past the antler harvesting window?

After harvesting the antler, the deer then grow new antlers as the season progresses and this second set of antler is not harvested.

Are the deer used for Deer Antler Drops tested for livestock diseases including mad cow disease?

Dragon Herbs deer are farmed in Changbai Mountain, and are certified by the Chinese Ministry of Health to be clean, safe and free of any disease pathogens.

My Deer Antler Drops turns into a solid gel. Is it normal?

Yes, this only means that the batch is thick and creamy. Usually it would de-gelatinze if put in warm water? In cold weather, Deer Antler Drops may become very thick or gel up. Again, it is a matter of temperature, so warm up the bottle and it will turn back into Drops.


Deer antler is a rare type of organ in the higher animal kingdom. It is one of the few complex organ structures which regenerates in an annual rhythm and which will regenerate if shed, cut or broken off. This regenerative power is what has most intrigued scientists in recent years, just as it has the Asian people through the ages. 

Studies conducted in Europe indicate that the ability to regenerate is partially due to the rich supply of substances known as ectosaponins. These complex chemical agents are found more abundantly in lower animals, in which the ectosaponins cause a wide variety of tissues to regenerate. The ectosaponin in deer antler is very similar to ectosaponins found at the tail bases of many lizards, such as the Gecko lizard, and in the legs of star fish. If the tale is broken off a Gecko or similar lizard or the appendages broken off a starfish, these appendages re-grow - bone, connective tissue, nerves, blood vessels, flesh and all (no bones in star fishes). The ectosaponins extracted from deer antler, as well as from Gecko and star fish all have shown remarkable regenerative effects on all types of tissue, including nerve tissue, which generally does not regenerate significantly.

Research indicates that moderate doses of the alcohol extract of deer antler supports cardiovascular function by helping to support cardio-regulatory mechanisms, and by supporting circulation. 

Numerous studies done in China, Japan, Russia and Korea have shown that deer antler supports muscular and mental endurance, supports sleep and supports normal appetite. Deer antler has been shown to support the oxygen uptake of the brain, liver and kidneys in laboratory animals. It also supports red and white blood cell production in laboratory animals. 

Deer antler extract provides minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients.

Deer antler supports insulin-like growth factor IGF-1 functions in the human body.*



Di Tao


Dragon Herbs has developed a relationship with local herb collectors in the high altitude regions of Changbai Mountain, the Di Tao authentic source of Reishi. These amazing people spend their entire lives scouring the remote pristine forests looking for the rarest herbs – Wild Reishi, Wild Ginseng, Wild Schizandra, Wild Asparagus, and so on. We are fortunate to have a limited but steady supply of truly wild Reishi mushroom. These mushrooms are not planted or wildcrafted by humans. They grow where they will, where they are perfectly suited. The growing environment is extremely harsh (alpine). As a result, they develop great power.

Master Herbalist, Ron Teeguarden, with wild Red Reishis over the years:

Ron and Reishis



State-of-the-Art Industrial Extraction


Dragon Herbs tinctures, commonly referred to as “Dragon Drops,” are alcohol-and-water extracts of the highest quality tonic herbs in the world. These highly concentrated fluid extracts are available in 2 ounce glass dropper bottles with glass droppers. Dragon Drops formulations are developed by Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden. We buy our herbs directly from herb farmers and herb hunters.

There are two primary natural solvents in this world: water and alcohol. The plants’ active compounds are usually either water-soluble or alcohol-soluble. The best full spectrum extraction method is to extract plants using both water and alcohol. That is how Dragon Drops are made.

Our Dragon Drops formulations go through 2 rounds of low temperature water extraction and 1 round of alcohol extraction. The extracted materials from all 3 rounds (water and alcohol) are then combined and condensed by removing majority of the solvents, reducing the volume by 90-95%. Essential oils evaporated during the extraction are trapped in oil traps and added back to the extracts. What you receive in our tinctures are therefore the essence of the essence. It has the best of both worlds: water-soluble compounds AND alcohol-soluble compounds.


Ron Extraction


The alcohol extraction equipment is expensive and its process has to be carefully controlled due to the combustibility of alcohol. Most companies do not use heat in their tincture production so they do not have to invest in high tech equipment upfront and they can keep the ongoing operating costs low. This is why most tinctures on the market are, in reality, infusions. In their low tech procedure, dry herbs are soaked in 20-90% alcohol then the infused solvent is sold. That is it. No heat, no cooking, no condensing. Only soaking. These end products sold in tincture form are practically solvents infused with herbs.

Infusions are NOT extracts. You can literally see and taste the difference.

If you want true “tinctures,” step up to Dragon Drops, the most potent true tinctures in the world.

Read more on How Dragon Drops are Made »


Deer Antler tips
Deer Antler tips
Deer Antler tips
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