Career Athletes - Endurance

Tibetan Magic

Tibetan Magic contains Cordyceps mushroom and Himalayan Rhodiola, among other adaptogenic tonic herbs, that have been used seemingly forever in Asia to promote athletic endurance. Sure, you’re an elite endurance athlete, but try trekking across the Himalayas or rowing a boat twelve hours a day and see if endurance is an issue just for modern athletes. These herbs were treasures to the endurance athletes of the past, and remain at the cutting edge of endurance-enhancing substances on earth – and they are natural and safe to use indefinitely until you are a centenarian athlete.

Cordyceps Drops

Cordyceps is a mushroom that grows wild in the Himalayas at about three miles above sea level. It is an awesome adaptogenic herb, but for endurance-oriented athletes it is one of the world’s great treasures. It improves lung capacity and endurance, benefits muscle endurance and helps maintain healthy organ functions under extreme stress. Cordyceps Drops is a tincture that can be added to tea or a liquid, or it can be taken straight into your mouth (it has a delicious mushroom flavor).

Eleuthero Drops

Eleuthero used to be called “Siberian Ginseng.” It is the world’s most popular athlete’s endurance herbal supplement. Dragon Herbs Eleuthero Drops is the purest Eleuthero you can

Astragalus eeTee

Astragalus root supports respiratory and metabolic functions and has been used for centuries to improve longevity and resist fatigue.

Supreme Protector

Supreme Protector contains four major tonic herbs, each of which are beneficial to serious athletes. Schizandra protects the skin, increases concentration for an extended period of time, and enhances respiratory capability. It is said that Schizandra causes the lungs to extract more Qi from the air we breathe. Reishi is the herb of good fortune. It is calming and centering and supports an even emotional balance beneficial to athletes. Astragalus has been described above for strength, but it also enhances physical endurance. Cordyceps is one of the world’s most famous endurance-enhancing natural products.

Tibetan Magic eeTee

Tibetan Magic eeTee is all about endurance. The main herb in Tibetan Magic is Himalayan Rhodiola, and herb that increases oxygen absorption into the body, increasing mental clarity and physical endurance. The other herbs in this profound instant tea support this action. It can be dissolved easily in cool water and consumed as an energy drink.

Product Description

  1. Bhutanese Wild Cordyceps Drops
    • Regarded as one of the greatest tonic herbs on Earth
    • Super potent high precision hydro-ethanolic, multi-stage extraction
    • Genuine precious wild Cordyceps sinensis from Bhutan
    • Blended with premium cultured Cordyceps militaris grown on rice
    • Yin and Yang balanced for use by men and women
    • Major Jing tonic, especially known to support the Kidney functions
    • Major Qi tonic, especially that of the Lungs and immune system
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