Goji and Schizandra Drops

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  • Supports healthy aging
  • Supports radiant beauty
  • Benefits memory and cognition
  • Supports eye health
  • Supports skin and lungs
  • Super potent hydro-ethanolic extraction
Goji Berry, Schizandra
Other Ingredients
Water, Grain Alcohol (30% by volume)
3-12 droppers per day as desired or as directed by your health care practitioner
Traditional Function
Tonifies all three treasures. Nourishes Yin Jing and blood. Generates fluids. Supports healthy skin. Sweet and sour flavor. Neutral temperature.
Who can use it?
  • Di Tao
  • RT Seal of Approval

Product Description

This is a classical combination of two of the most powerful, important and safe tonic herbs in the world. Goji and Schizandra Drops is the extraction of the very finest, freshly harvested wild Schizandra from Changbai Mountain in Manchuria, blended with an equal amount of premium Goji fruit from Heaven Mountain in Central Asia, the premier source of Goji in the world. This superb super-concentrated tincture will surprise and please you with its multi-textured flavor and wide range of benefits. This is a product that should be on everyone’s home herb shelf or home elixir bar. It may be used alone or combined with virtually any other tincture, or as an adjunct in juice blends and smoothies. This formulation is suitable for men and women, young or old.

Ingredients: Changbai Mountain Schizandra fruit, Heaven Mountain Goji berries.

Going Deep

Goji and Schizandra Drops is the extraction of the very finest, freshly harvested wild Schizandra from Changbai Mountain in Manchuria, blended with an equal amount of premium organically grown Goji fruit from Heaven Mountain, the premier source of Goji in the world. This superb super-concentrated tincture will surprise you with its multi-textured flavor and wide range of benefits. This is a product that should be on everyone's home herb shelf or home elixir bar. This formulation is suitable for men and women, young or old.

Goji and Schizandra Yin and Yang

Goji Berry

Asia’s Original Superfood/Supertonic herb
Americans and Europeans are discovering what has been known for 2,500 years in Asia – consuming Goji regularly helps you to feel, look and perform better on every level of life. Goji is not a placebo or fad herb. It has been used by billions of people over the period of thousands and years. Hundreds of scientific studies are confirming all its traditional uses and more. Goji is a life-supporting, health protective miracle if ever Nature created one!

Goji berries, a.k.a. Lycium Fruit or Wolfberries, from the plant Lycium barbarum, have been considered to be a “magical” longevity herb and superfood since the dawn of Asian civilization. To this day Goji is revered in Asia for its youth preserving, health protective, strengthening, and mood-supporting properties. And though it is a fruit, it is considered to be more than a common fruit – it is regarded as one of the elite tonic herbs in the world. It is one of the main herbs used in China’s amazing tonic herbal system, often used in combination with other major tonic herbs like Ginseng, Reishi and Schizandra.

Plump and juicy ripe Goji berries in one of the bushes at Heaven Mountain

High Quality Goji Tastes Great

Northwestern Chinese Goji (Lycium barbarum) is a delectable dried fruit that can be extracted to be used as an herbal supplement. The best tasting Goji comes from Heaven Mountain in northwestern China (Central Asia – Heaven Mountain is about 12 thousand miles from Los Angeles – it’s as far away from the United States as one can go). Goji berries from Heaven Mountain are very sweet, have a rich delicious flavor and are tender (not tough like lower grade Goji). These qualities have made Heaven Mountain Goji a favorite superfood in Asia.
In China, this high quality Goji from China’s northwestern territory is called a “delicious herb,” suitable for use in cuisine (raw or cooked) and for straight snacking. Low quality Goji may not be delicious at all. That is why people are so attracted to the flavor of Dragon Herbs Goji and Schizandra Drops. Both the Goji and the Schizandra have remarkable flavors. Most of the Goji used to manufacture products for the American market are NOT of this “delicious” variety. It is important to know that the taste of Goji is in fact related to its benefits and quality from a tonic perspective. The most powerful Goji from a tonic perspective just happens to be the best tasting. Lucky for us! The best Goji comes from Heaven Mountain in the remote northwest of China.

Goji growing provinces in China

From the Official Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China

Action: To benefit the liver and the kidney, to replenish vital essence and to support eyesight.

What Makes Goji Berries So Special

The Goji berry is unquestionably one of the supreme tonic herbs in the world. In Asia and wherever Chinese herbalism is practiced, this herb is used as a tonic, and is widely used specifically to tonify vital essence, known to those “in the know” as Jing. It replenishes the Yin component. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has been documented extensively as a favorite ingredient in recipes for elderly people as an anti-aging herb. However, it is also a favorite of young people.

This herb contains simple and complex sugars, polysaccharides, betaine, zeaxanthin and physalein. Various human studies have shown Goji supports the serum levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and hemoglobin.

Evidence supports the traditional notion that consuming Goji berries regularly can help support cardiovascular health, support the functions of the pancreas and liver, support immune functions, support eye health, support mood, and help increase and sustain libido.

The fruit also contains beta-sitosterol, linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin) and betaine.

Goji in Ron's hands

 “Happy Fruit”

Goji is known as “Happy Fruit” in China. It is said that people who eat it regularly ”become happy, and find themselves laughing all the time.” A research study conducted in England has shown that consumption of Goji berries for several months significantly enhanced people’s moods.


It is important to our health to maintain proper levels of free radicals in our body. We need antioxidants to support that balance. Excessive free radical production results in destruction of cellular integrity. The daily challenges of modern life, including pollution, poor diet and eating habits, overexposure to the sun’s rays, smoking (or being exposed to second hand smoke), and exposure to radiation all contribute to oxidation. Of course, it is best to avoid these toxic conditions – but that is only partially possible.

It is essential that we consciously and consistently include antioxidants in our food – and that means every day. And since it is often impossible to consume enough antioxidants via our diet, the modern lifestyle actually requires that we supplement our diets with rich, concentrated sources of antioxidants. 
A diet rich in a wide variety of antioxidants is best for our health. Unfortunately, it is estimated that only one in four Americans is consuming the recommended twelve servings of fruits and vegetables a day recognized as the level of intake for maintaining good health. And even if one were consuming an ample supply of fruits and vegetables, it has been proven that certain antioxidants are more powerful health agents than others – and the most potent antioxidants are not necessarily found in the common foods eaten in America. The polyphenols in green tea provide a perfect example, as do the carotenoids and polysaccharides in Goji.

All antioxidants are NOT created equal

It has become clear to most health experts, and to many knowledgeable consumers, that antioxidant molecules have widely ranging functions and actions in the body. Because the body is served best by consuming a wide range of antioxidants, it is best to supplement our diet with some potent antioxidant herbs and superfoods in order to protect our bodies, to support our vitality, and to support us on the road to healthy longevity. The incredible efficiency of the antioxidants in Goji berries, as is being demonstrated in research around the world, make Goji berries a perfect addition to our daily diet and make concentrated Goji extracts a perfect tonic herbal supplement.

How Goji Works as an Antioxidant

It has been proven that cooking does not destroy the antioxidant activity of Goji. Both water and alcohol extracts have extraordinary antioxidant activity.

Goji’s function on the eyes is related to its content of a vital carotenoid called zeaxanthin dipalmitate. Zeaxanthin is a potent antioxidant essential for vision and probably for other human functions. It is a predominant carotenoid found in Goji berries.

Goji is an good source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The human body needs lots of vitamin C, and it must be replenished daily. Goji berries contain a unique vitamin C precursor, known as ascorbic acid 2-beta-G. This precursor is stable in the digestive tract. When provided to test animals by oral administration, it increased their blood ascorbic acid and it was also detected in blood from the portal vein. Thus it appears to be easily assimilated by the body and highly bioavailable.

Goji fruit is also good provider of riboflavin, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and nicotinic acid.

Goji berries contain an abundance of health-promoting constituents including: 5 Lycium polysaccharides (LBP), 18 amino acids, 6 essential fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E (not  commonly found in fruit), and more than 20 trace minerals including calcium, germanium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.

Goji Supports Our “Youth Enzyme” Antioxidant System

Our bodies produce extremely powerful “innate” enzyme antioxidants, one of which is SOD (superoxide dismutase). SOD is one of three primary enzyme antioxidants produced in the human body designed during evolution to protect the body against natural free radical damage. SOD has been dubbed the “youth enzyme.” SOD protects our cells (including the cells of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver and other organs) from the ravages of internally-generated toxins, as well as from toxins and other stressors introduced from the outside environment.

 An herbal dietary supplement that can stimulate the body’s production of SOD is fabulous for our health, and is undoubtedly of great importance as a person ages. What could be better than stimulating OUR OWN native antioxidant system? This appears to be exactly what happens when we consume Goji. Oral consumption of Goji fruit has been shown to raise and support SOD in the blood stream and in various tissues. Genuine Goji can increase SOD production in the body by as much as an astounding 40%, thus supporting healthy antioxidant function!

It appears that this stimulatory ability of Goji on SOD production is the result of the actions of the unique constituents in Goji called Lycium polysaccharides (LBP).

Goji has emerged as one of the elite superstars in the antioxidant arsenal – not a surprise to the Chinese or to tonic herbalists.

Anti-fatigue Effect

The purified LBP component was extracted from Northern Chinese Goji berries. According to the report, the LBPs induced “a remarkable adaptability to exercise load, enhanced resistance and accelerated elimination of fatigue.”  LBP could enhance the storage of muscle and liver glycogen.
LBP helps maintain healthy blood urea nitrogen after strenuous exercise, and supports the natural clearance of blood urea nitrogen after exercise.  It therefore may support better recovery after exercise.

Beauty Herb

In China, Goji is considered to be a “beauty herb.” It is universally believed in the Far East that Goji berries help prevent drying and wrinkling of the skin. Goji is rich in phospholipids, the main lipid component of all cell membranes. Women are particularly fond of the influence Goji has on their skin. In Asia, millions of people consume Goji from the Heaven Mountains daily to retain their youthful appearance, energy and youthful sex life.

Schizandra fruits on tray


The Quintessence of Tonic Herbs

Schizandra fruit, from the plant Schisandra chinensis, is “the herb that does it all.” It develops and protects the primary energies of life. Schizandra, known as the "quintessence of Chinese tonic herbs,” supports vitality and beauty when used regularly for some time. It is said to promote beautiful skin. Schizandra is said to help purify the blood, support the mind, help maintain a strong memory, and help maintain sexual energy and sexual functions in both men and women.

The Quintessential Full Spectrum Tonic Herb

The very name of Schizandra in Chinese, Wu Wei Zi, tells us a great deal about the qualities of this herb.  Wu Wei Zi means “Five Flavors Fruit.”  Due to the fact that Schizandra possesses all five of the classical “tastes” (sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty) and thus possesses the essence of all five of the elemental energies (wood, fire, earth, metal and water), Schizandra is respected as a health-providing tonic in the same class with Ginseng, Reishi and Goji.  

Schizandra has been used since the dawn of Chinese civilization as a tonic herb. From the beginning it has been revered, and remains one of the elite herbs of the Chinese system of herbalism. It was first written about in Shen Nong’s Pharmacopoeia (written between 1st and 2nd century A.D.) where it was listed as a Superior herb. 
The Taoists especially have revered Schizandra.  Schizandra was Ron Teeguarden’s teacher’s, Taoist Grandmaster Sung Jin Park’s, favorite herb.  This is because Schizandra tonifies all 3 treasures**, enters all 12 meridians and nurtures all 5 elements.  Master Park considered it to be the quintessential herbal substance. 
Though Schizandra is believed to benefit all the functions of the body, it has traditionally been considered to have the most influence on the Kidney, Lung and Liver functions.

Five elements

Schizandra chinensis (Wu Wei Zi)
1. Tonifies all 3 treasures.
2. Enters all 12 meridians
3. Nurtures all 5 elements.

 ** the 3 Treasures are the 3 fundamental energies that make up life, the meridians are the energy channels that flow throughout the body, the 5 elements are the five energy states of nature (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal). In short, Schizandra is a rare herb that can actually benefit all the bodily functions and organs of the body, according to the traditional Chinese and Taoist health system.

A Famous Beauty Herb

Schizandra supports the skin and its functions. Schizandra is widely used to beautify the skin and to protect the skin from the damaging effects wind. Due to the astringent quality of Schizandra, the skin tends to hold its moisture and becomes full and beautiful. It has always been very popular with the wealthy men and women of China, especially the women of the imperial court, because of its youth preserving and rejuvenating effects.  It is said that those who use Schizandra consistently will remain youthful in both appearance and physiology.  I have seen the benefits of this herb with my own eyes hundreds of times in my life.  People who start taking Schizandra regularly all change for the better.  Their skin virtually glows and becomes clear and fine after several months. 

Yanlin wearing Schizandra crown with Ron in Changbai Mountain

An Excellent Mind Tonic

With Double-Directional Regulation On The Central Nervous System
This herb is considered to be one of the premium mind tonics of herbalism. It is used to support concentration, memory and alertness. Yet, unlike caffeine-like stimulants, Schizandra does not produce nervousness. In fact, some people consider Schizandra mildly “calming” while producing wakefulness and focus. 

The ability of the dried fruit to support mental and physical activity in humans has been reported. It has been demonstrated that human intellectual activity can be supported and work efficiency increased by consuming Schizandra. Various tests have shown that moderate doses of Schizandra can support various activities requiring concentration, fine coordination, sensitivity and endurance. The tests in humans confirming Schizandra’s efficacy in these areas range from threading needles to running marathons. 

Schizandra has been demonstrated in laboratory animals and in humans to have a stimulant action on the central nervous system.  The herb works directly on the nervous tissue. 

Conversely and paradoxically, Schizandra is also mildly sedative (“Shen stabilizing”). Schizandra does not make people sleepy.

Many studies now indicate that Schizandra actually has a balancing, or regulating, action on the central nervous system.  It can result in accurate and optimal balancing between the excitatory and inhibitory control functions of the cerebral cortex. 

Goji and Schizandra Drops is an alcohol and water extract of Schizandra fruit and Goji berries (a yin Jing building herb).

Schizandra and Liver Health

Detoxifying, healing, regenerative and protective

Schizandra stands along with Reishi as the primary liver cleansing agents used in tonic programs.  Schizandra does not have the side effects that are associated with many of the “inferior” liver cleansing herbs. Schizandra, especially alcohol extracts, are widely believed to protect the liver from damage due to the kinds of toxins humans consume or absorb on a daily basis, the byproducts of living. Again, Goji and Schizandra Drops is an alcohol and water extract of Schizandra fruit and Goji berries.

Phase I and Phase II of detoxification

Schizandra has been shown to strengthen and protect the liver. It does this by detoxifying and rejuvenating this critical organ. There are two critical stages to the process of normal liver detoxification, known as Phase I and Phase II. In Phase I, a detoxifying agent goes into the liver and binds with toxins, releasing them from the liver and taking them into the bloodstream. Almost always, this newly bound toxic bundle is more toxic than the original toxin. This increased toxicity is known as bioactivation. Old toxins in their new bioactivated form re-exposures the body to these old toxins, and they will end up back in the liver again, or stored in other tissues.

 Is Your Detox Program Making You More Toxic?

During phase II of detoxification, the bioactivated toxins, which may be highly active, are safely cleared out of the body. This, of course, is the part we all want to happen in quick and efficient order. If the phase II process is weak, faulty or absent, all we’ve done is re-poison ourselves.
Many substances can go into the liver and release old toxins into the bloodstream, but that is all they do, and as a result the person goes through an increased toxic period. The so-called cleansing crisis experienced by many people who go through various types of cleanses, is largely the result of bioactivated toxins wreaking havoc in the body. It is therefore very important that agents which boost Phase I activity also have significant effects on enhancing the Phase II clearance of the reactive intermediate.
Schizandra appears to be very effective in boosting both Phase I detoxification and Phase II clearance of activated toxins.

A Sex Tonic for both Men and Women

Schizandra is said to increase the “Water Qi in the Kidney.” In particular, it is said to support the “water of the genital organs,” referring to the sexual fluids. Schizandra is said to support the production of semen. It is famous for its ability to relieve sexual fatigue and for increasing the sexual staying-power in men. It is thus an ingredient in the vast majority of men’s sexual tonics in Asian herbalism. 
Women benefit from the same capacity to increase Water Qi of the Kidney. Schizandra is said to increase circulation and sensitivity in the female genitals. Many women claim increased genital warmth and sensation after using Schizandra for a period of time. The Chinese sexual classics claim that continuous use by a woman will increase the amount of “female elixir,” a euphemism for vaginal secretions, during intercourse. 

Vision Benefits

Human studies have also shown that Schizandra can support vision, even enlarging the field of vision, and can support hearing. It also supports the discrimination ability of the skin receptors. It has been determined that this sensitivity-support is due to enhanced function of the central nervous system’s ability to analyze data flowing to it from the peripheral sensors.

Goji and Schizandra Drops

This is the extraction of the very finest, freshly harvested wild Changbai Mountain Schizandra, blended with an equal amount of premium Goji fruit from Heaven Mountain, the premier source of Goji in the world. This superb concentrated tincture will surprise you with its multi-textured flavor and wide range of benefits. This is one product that should be on everyone's home herb shelf or home elixir bar. It is suitable for men and women. Ron Teeguarden adds 2 or 3 squirts to his and his wife's Tonic Alchemy superfood drink every day.*

Mixed dried Goji and Schizandra

How We Source This Product

Di Tao Sourcing

Dragon Herbs partners with Goji farmers in the Heaven Mountain region for decades for all the Goji products.  The unique climate and soil makes Heaven Mountain Goji berries sweetly delicious and tender at the same time.  Dragon Herbs partners with Organic growers in the Changbai Mountain region to source only Northern Schizandra for all its schizandra products.

Collecting Heaven Mountain Goji

Collecting Changbai Mountain Wild Schizandra

High Technology Extractions

Dragon Herbs tinctures, commonly referred to as “Dragon Drops,” are alcohol-and-water extracts of the highest quality tonic herbs in the world. These highly concentrated fluid extracts are available in 2 ounce glass dropper bottles with glass droppers. Dragon Drops formulations are developed by Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden. We buy our herbs directly from herb farmers and herb hunters.

There are two primary natural solvents in this world: water and alcohol. The plants’ active compounds are usually either water-soluble or alcohol-soluble. The best full spectrum extraction method is to extract plants using both water and alcohol. That is how Dragon Drops are made.

Our Dragon Drops formulations go through 2 rounds of low temperature water extraction and 1 round of alcohol extraction. The extracted materials from all 3 rounds (water and alcohol) are then combined and condensed by removing majority of the solvents, reducing the volume by 90-95%. Essential oils evaporated during the extraction are trapped in oil traps and added back to the extracts. What you receive in our tinctures are therefore the essence of the essence. It has the best of both worlds: water-soluble compounds AND alcohol-soluble compounds.

The alcohol extraction equipment is expensive and its process has to be carefully controlled due to the combustibility of alcohol. Most companies do not use heat in their tincture production so they do not have to invest in high tech equipment upfront and they can keep the ongoing operating costs low. This is why most tinctures on the market are, in reality, infusions. In their low tech procedure, dry herbs are soaked in 20-90% alcohol then the infused solvent is sold. That is it. No heat, no cooking, no condensing. Only soaking. These end products sold in tincture form are practically solvents infused with herbs.

Infusions are NOT extracts. You can literally see and taste the difference.

If you want true “tinctures,” step up to Dragon Drops, the most potent true tinctures in the world.



Di Tao


Dragon Herbs has developed a relationship with local herb collectors in the high altitude regions of Changbai Mountain, the Di Tao authentic source of Reishi. These amazing people spend their entire lives scouring the remote pristine forests looking for the rarest herbs – Wild Reishi, Wild Ginseng, Wild Schizandra, Wild Asparagus, and so on. We are fortunate to have a limited but steady supply of truly wild Reishi mushroom. These mushrooms are not planted or wildcrafted by humans. They grow where they will, where they are perfectly suited. The growing environment is extremely harsh (alpine). As a result, they develop great power.

Master Herbalist, Ron Teeguarden, with wild Red Reishis over the years:

Ron and Reishis



State-of-the-Art Industrial Extraction


Dragon Herbs tinctures, commonly referred to as “Dragon Drops,” are alcohol-and-water extracts of the highest quality tonic herbs in the world. These highly concentrated fluid extracts are available in 2 ounce glass dropper bottles with glass droppers. Dragon Drops formulations are developed by Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden. We buy our herbs directly from herb farmers and herb hunters.

There are two primary natural solvents in this world: water and alcohol. The plants’ active compounds are usually either water-soluble or alcohol-soluble. The best full spectrum extraction method is to extract plants using both water and alcohol. That is how Dragon Drops are made.

Our Dragon Drops formulations go through 2 rounds of low temperature water extraction and 1 round of alcohol extraction. The extracted materials from all 3 rounds (water and alcohol) are then combined and condensed by removing majority of the solvents, reducing the volume by 90-95%. Essential oils evaporated during the extraction are trapped in oil traps and added back to the extracts. What you receive in our tinctures are therefore the essence of the essence. It has the best of both worlds: water-soluble compounds AND alcohol-soluble compounds.


Ron Extraction


The alcohol extraction equipment is expensive and its process has to be carefully controlled due to the combustibility of alcohol. Most companies do not use heat in their tincture production so they do not have to invest in high tech equipment upfront and they can keep the ongoing operating costs low. This is why most tinctures on the market are, in reality, infusions. In their low tech procedure, dry herbs are soaked in 20-90% alcohol then the infused solvent is sold. That is it. No heat, no cooking, no condensing. Only soaking. These end products sold in tincture form are practically solvents infused with herbs.

Infusions are NOT extracts. You can literally see and taste the difference.

If you want true “tinctures,” step up to Dragon Drops, the most potent true tinctures in the world.

Read more on How Dragon Drops are Made »


Goji berries
Goji berries
Goji berries
Schizandra fruit
Schizandra fruit
Schizandra fruit
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