The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs Book

The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs Book

  • By Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden
  • Teaches the principles and philosophy of tonic herbalism
  • A guide to the Taoist approach to herbs
  • Describes all major tonic herbs
  • How to use the tonic herbs to live better
Item No: 607
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Product Description

This is Master Herbalist Ron Teeguarden's pivotal and classic book on the Chinese tonic herbs, published by Warner Publications. Discover the 5,000-year-old secrets to slowing aging, unlimited energy, improved sex, mental clarity, reduced stress, looking and feeling younger The following commentary is extracted from the preface written by Xu Guojen (profession emeritus, China Pharmaceutical University) and Wang Jintao (editor In chief of the Pharmacopeia of the People's Republic of China, English Edition). The art of radiant health has been widely practiced for thousands of years by the people of the East. In China, you will find that this healthcare art has permeated virtually every corner of life. Tonic teas, foods and wine are familiar to and appreciated by all the people of the East. But Westerners may find them mysterious, inconceivable and somehow ridiculous. Ron Teeguarden's book provides a powerful glass through which you in the West can easily spy on the secrets of the Chinese healthcare arts. The classical Chinese philosophies and theories on nature and the human body may be the biggest obstacle for Westerners to learning and practicing a program for radiant health. With his profound knowledge about Chinese civilization, the author of this book has successfully kicked the big stone away and can therefore lead the readers smoothly into the great palace of Chinese radiant health. This book discusses in detail the major principles of tonic herbalism, all of the major herbs used, formulations and the attitude of radiant health. A Book of the Month Club's selection.

Ingredients: Knowledge, ancient wisdom translated, practical guide, and useful indexes.

Who can use it?
Anyone seeking a natural solution in their quest for health
391 pages
At least one reading from beginning to end in your life time.
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  1. "i read this book nine years ago, my first foray into the chinese herbs, tonics in particular, and i'm glad i started here. by the time i got to the end of the book and Ron's special dedication to the herbs, i couldn't help but cry tears of gratitude. i don't have a green thumb, but when my plant awakening began, i used to 'hear' the flowers literally say pickme! even tho i wouldn't lol. So, hearing Ron's reverence really resonated. <3"

    KristaLee, tears o' gratitude

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