Career Athletes - Winning

The difference between exercise, fitness and a “sport” is that a sport is by definition competitive, which therefore calls for “winning.” Winning requires the full range of athletic attributes described here, plus a boost in mental focus, energy and coordination at exactly the right moments to assure winning. All else being equal, winners become better performers in crunch time. Typically this involves an explosion of will power, extreme focus, nerves of steel and a Zen state of mind (being in “the zone”).

We believe the following herbs help make “winners."

Here is an ancient story (poem) that sounds counterintuitive at first, but is 100% true:

The Need to Win
When an archer is shooting for nothing
He has all his skill.
If he shoots for a brass buckle
He is already nervous.
If he shoots for a prize of gold
He goes blind
Or sees two targets –
He is out of his mind!

His skill has not changed. But the prize
Divides him. He cares.
He thinks more of winning
Than of shooting – 
And the need to win
Drains him of power.

Chuang Tzu
The Way of Chuang Tzu
400 BCE
Translated by Thomas Merton

In other words, keep your focus on your performance, not on winning. Winning is only a side-effect of near-perfect performance. There is no question, will power is all-important. A steady mind, absolute focus, and the ability to draw from your inner power at the appropriate times are the characteristics of the Way of Mastery and the Way of Winning.

Product Description

  1. Kinetic Ginseng 30 cap
    • Fermented Korean Red Ginseng
    • Advanced technology Ginseng extract utilizing the gut bacteria (probiotic) that naturally digests Ginseng in the human gut
    • Rich in ginsenosides, including those normally produced in the human gut
    • Fermentation results in 100% bioavailability of all Ginseng ginsenosides
    • Contains Rg3, Compound K and Rb1, the three most important ginsenosides (not available in normal Ginseng products)
    • Supports the immune system
    • Supports metabolic functions
    • Supports respiratory functions
    • Supports neurological functions
    • Supports healthy aging
    Learn More »

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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