Asian Red Salvia Root

Botanical Name: Radix et Rhizoma Salviae Miltiorrhizae

Latin: Salvia milltiorrhiza

PinYin: Dan Shen

Asian Red Salvia Root


The root of the Asian herb Salvia miltiorrhizae (sometimes called “Red Salvia”) is a “blood vitalizing” herb now used widely in Asia to improve and support blood circulation. Asian Red Salvia is mildly bitter and slightly cold. It was described in the first herbal pharmacopeia written by Shen Nong over 2,000 years ago.

Recent research in China, Japan and the United States indicates that Salvia miltiorrhizae is a heart healthy herb. Red Salvia supports the microcirculation, the vast system of tiny blood vessels through which blood circulates throughout the body reaching our cells. Red Salvia supports the microcirculation of the heart and brain. So in modern Asia, Red Salvia has become a very popular herb for supporting overall wellbeing and vascular health of the heart and brain in particular. It is used as a daily tonic herb by healthy people. It is now widely accepted by scientists that study aging and longevity that healthy microcirculation supports healthy aging. 


red salvia dried root

Basket of Asian Red Salvia Roots


Recent research now indicates that, in addition to its cardiovascular benefits, the extract of Red Salvia root has important immune supporting actions. The Salvia polysaccharides appear to be the active immune-boosting component of Red Salvia. A whole range of novel diterpene  quinones known as the tanshinones has been discovered in Red Salvia, and these tanshinones support the functioning of the immune system. There are about forty tanshinones in the root of Asian Red Salvia. Tanshinone I, tanshinone II, cryptotanshinone, and tanshinone VI are now considered primary. Red Salvia has strong antioxidant activity.

Note: Any herb of the Salvia genus may be called “sage.” Most of us are familiar with the common garden herb obtained from Salvia  officinalis. This type of garden sage does not possess the same components as Asian Red Salvia. Asian Red Salvia herb is not closely related to the psychoactive type of Salvia (Salvia divinorum), and Asian Red Salvia does not alter or affect normal mental activity. White Sage (Salvia apiana) is another variety of sage that is used to make smudge sticks. Each of these forms of “Salvia” or “Sage” has very distinct properties. For a healthy circulatory system and immune support, consume Asian Red Salvia extract regularly.


    asian red salvia plant 

Asian Red Salvia plant


Several Dragon Herbs herbal formulations contain Asian Red Salvia root as an ingredient. Here are some –    

Find more products that contain Asian Salvia root as its main ingredient.